
Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University


Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University


Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University

NSTRU lecturers and students as interpreters for diplomatic corps and delegates

During March 17-19, 2017, 32 diplomatic corps and delegates toured and visited various places which have the royal initiated project in Nakhon Si Thammarat. They seek to understand how the late HM King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s philosophy transferred to the locals as well as to develop the local community.

A team of selected lecturers from the Language Center and students from Business English department of Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University took part as being the interpreters and tour guide during the stay of the heads and delegates at NST. Apart from the interpreting tasks, the NSTRU team did an excellent job by doing an ocular visit and gathering relevant information of each place. They guided and assisted each and every heads and delegates with utmost importance.


interpreters for diplomatic


https://www.nstru.ac.th//resources/content/4/2016-06-20-11-22-390.62449100%201466396559logo_nstru.png 1 ม. 4 ต.ท่างิ้ว อ.เมืองนครศรีธรรมราช จ.นครศรีธรรมราช 80280 มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏนครศรีธรรมราช (Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University) เป็นมหาวิทยาลัยในกลุ่มมหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏ ก่อตั้งเมื่อปี พ.ศ. 2500 ตั้งอยู่ที่ ตำบลท่างิ้ว อำเภอเมือง จังหวัดนครศรีธรรมราช Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University 075-392040 www@nstru.ac.th